[Samba] finding broadcast addresses.
Brian Kennedy
kennedy at essig.com
Thu Aug 15 09:50:03 GMT 2002
not entirely. the windows clients are getting a netmask of
like they should.. but they are not responding to a broadcast on like I believe they should from that netmask.
Barry deFreese wrote:
>On Thursday 15 August 2002 11:16 am, Brian Kennedy wrote:
>If you do an "ipconfig /all" from a command line on the Win2K box it will
>give you somewhat of the information you need. It will show the IP address
>and subnet mask that DHCP is giving your machine. The broadcast address
>should be determined by your subnet mask. That being said, I am having
>similar problems on my machines at home.
>For example ipconfig on my WinME box has IP of with subnet mask
>of Therefore, broadcast address should be
>When I nmblookup -B winme it works fine.
>Does that help any?
>Barry deFreese
>>I'm having trouble with my samba implementation and have determined it's
>>broadcast addresses are not matching. but just figuring out what
>>win2000 is using for it's broadcast hasnt been so easy.
>>I'm using 10.11/16. the server is at with broadcast
>>the clients get 10.11.2.* from dhcp which also is also set to tell them
>>to use for broadcast but they're not.
>>I've "nmblookup -B 10.11.etc.etc client" with everything that I
>>consider reasonable and no clients will respond. 255.255, 0.255, 1.255,
>>anyone have a clue what kind of broadcast kludging windows is doing to me?
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