[Samba] Samba print share.

Trevor Fraser trevor at systematic.co.za
Mon Aug 12 23:01:02 GMT 2002

Hello all.

I'm failing to see the properties of my Samba shared printer.
When I click on properties, or most of the options in the dropdown, I get the following error:

Function address 0x37e10a3 causes a protection fault. (exception code 0xc0000005)  Some or all property page(s) may not be displayed.

Does anyone know what this is referring to?  Is the problem with the share or the Win2K pc?  Yesterday the pc complained about 'low on virtual memory' and I increased it, could this be related?  I get a similar message from another pc though, except for the function address, so I suspect it a share error.  Please send any input on this matter, even if it to let me know what the error means.

Thanks everyone, 
chow, Trevor.
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