[Samba] How can I make the Norwegian chars ø:Ø valid???

Odd-Ragnar Alfred Lydersen oraly at tiscali.no
Thu Aug 1 12:50:05 GMT 2002

Hi I'm wondering if anyone could help me out with this problem that is really bugging me. I've set up samba alright, and it working perfect except for one little detail that I noticed the other day. I tried to copy a filname with the nowegian char ø, over to a samba share, then it turned into an o.

I then checked out the other norwegian chars, and they're working ok.
So I dont't understand when I've set these lines in the smb.conf

character set = ISO8859-1
client code = 850 // norwegian
valid chars = æ:Æ ø:Ø ö:Ö å:Å ä:Ä

why it's only the ø:Ø which isn't accepted.

And yes I've got my linux kernel set to handle these chars, cos I've made some dirs on the shares form my linux shell to test it out, and then the ø, becomes a "Cent-sign", and the Ø, becomes a "Yen-sign", when I view them on my winXP system.
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