change password on windows

Stephan Pfeiffer synopex at
Tue Sep 18 06:34:04 GMT 2001


I use samba2.2.0 as an pdc. now, i should activate that the users where had not an bash account on the samba pc, can change the password direct from windows NT, with type "ctrl+alt+del", "change password" and enter the old and the new password. Every time I get the following error:

"The username or the password are wrong. Passwords can be write big/small. Yous should be shure, that the shiftkey is not press"

Now in german too, becaues my translation is not so greate ;-)

"Der Benutzername oder das Kennwort ist falsch. Bei Kennwörtern wir die Gross/Kleinschreibung beachtet. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die FESTSTELLTASTE nicht versehentlich aktiviert ist".

I have not found any resolve for this problem in howots etc.


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