Q:samba windows 95

Joel Hammer Joel at HammersHome.com
Sun Sep 16 04:53:02 GMT 2001

> you mean in [gloabl] add:
> include = /usr/local/samba/lib/security.Win95 ??
> security.Win95 already exist or does it have to be created
> and modified?.

include parameters let you insert text into your smb.conf just as if they
had been typed in. So, don't put [global] into your include file!
You must make the file security.Win95

> excuse my stupid question but what you mean by %m
> or %I?.
%m is the netbios name of the client, %I is the ip of the client. %a returns
the OS of the calling client.

Samba generates a lot of information about itself and the client whenever
a client connects. These can be accessed by your smb.conf
In the book that comes with the SWAT GUI, see sections 4.3 and 4.1.2.
(Actually, I would read the whole thing, if I had time.)

I posted a smb.conf entry and a script to allow users to see all these
variables several days ago. 
If you can, check old posts from 13 Sep. It was called: 
Script for capturing variables 


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