spool unixXwindows and password

Alexandre Salome alexandre.salome at comau.com.br
Wed Oct 31 09:25:40 GMT 2001

Good morning,

I have two problems and I would like know if you can help me: 

1- I have a printer "plotter-A0" installed in a windows98. There isn´t
driver for this printer in the unix (solaris2.x).  I would like to
create a spool to this printer by the "admintool" but it left from the
impression calls this printer automatically in the windows. It´s

2- Every times that I must create a new user, I need create intially in
the windows2000, after I need create in the unix (admintool) and after
in samba with the command "smbpasswd -a". I have that digitate the name
of the user 03 times and their password 9 times. What do I do for
improve this routine 

- OS: solaris2.6   /    samba 2.07

Thank you for help me

Alexandre Salomé

Sistemas Comau do Brasil

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