Samba network recycle bin

Kimmo Akkanen kimmo.akkanen at
Wed Oct 31 01:20:06 GMT 2001

 >>>Is there a way we can recover deleted files in samba
 >>>shared folders??

 >> on ext2 part. u can undelete files with mc.

 >Or use the "network recycle bin" patch, from

How come this is not implemented to the official
version of Samba? Would be quite useful. Anyone
tried this patch with 2.2.2 yet?

Best regards,
    Kimmo Akkanen
    Remedium Ltd./Oy

    phone.  +358 9 6226 7125
    cell.   +358 40 9000 125
    fax.    +358 9 6226 7114
    kimmo.akkanen at

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