HP3000 problem

Joel Hammer Joel at HammersHome.com
Tue Oct 30 14:24:03 GMT 2001

Don't know anything about hp3000. Is it a unix machine?
If so, it should end all text lines only with a 0A character. Dos adds the
OD 0A at the end of each line.
Stripping out the extra 0D is a trivial problem with tr.
Adding the extra OD for dos is easy with sed.

On Tue, Oct 30, 2001 at 10:50:08AM +0100, Richard Barker wrote:
> Hi
> I'm new to this list, so I apologise if this has ever come up before.
> I'm using Samba on an HP3000 and can view, change, update files through NT
> with no problems.  The issue I have is when I create a file on the HP3000 is
> always adds special <CR><LF> characters, which then invalidates the
> information in the file in NT.
> Does anyone out there know a way I can remove these characters.

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