Permissions and groups from Win2000 workstation

rkirkley rkirkley at
Tue Oct 30 06:38:03 GMT 2001

I am running Samba 2.2.1 on Redhat 7.1. I have a mix of WinNT and Win2000 
clients which will soon all be Win2000. Everything works extremely well 
except I cannot change permissions or groups from either the WinNT or the 
Win2000 security dialog boxes. I primarily need to be able to change the 
unix Read, Write and Execute. I do not need full ACL control. It would also 
be nice for the owner of the file or directory to change the associated 
group. I've read everything I could find within the Samba documentation 
pertaining to this issue and thought was under the understanding that what 
I want to do should be the default for Samba 2.2.1.

I would appreciate any suggestions.

Ron Kirkley

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