FUD or foolishness? Windows XP Home and Samba

David Collier-Brown davecb at canada.sun.com
Tue Oct 30 05:49:22 GMT 2001

Steven Vaughan-Nichols at Ziff-Davis said:
| Unlike all other previous Microsoft operating systems, XP
| Home will simply not work in an office network environment 
| with NetWare, NT, Samba, or Windows 2000 servers. Period. 
| You simply can't connect to the servers' domains or their
| file/print services. 

	Which sounds like they took the SMB client out...

| XP Home also has a built-in network security problem. Its new
| simplified file and printer share system, Simple File Sharing,
| doesn't include login or password protection for system resources.

	and substituted a client from back before WfW (:-))

| XP Home will work in P2P networking with older versions of Windows,
| but [only five P2P servers]

The article's at:

	Anyone tried XP Home and care to comment on
	whether it can be supported by Samba? I
	suspect public shares are possible, but I'm
	rather Windows-averse and am unlikely to
	try anything new from **anyone**!

David Collier-Brown,           | Always do right. This will gratify 
Americas Customer Engineering, | some people and astonish the rest.
SunPS Integration Services.    |                      -- Mark Twain
(905) 415-2849                 | davecb at canada.sun.com

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