Compiling torture.c for windows ?

rbiernat at rbiernat at
Sun Oct 28 23:05:01 GMT 2001

Hi there,

I have to test a bunch of server for performance. Anybody out there who 
got this file compiled for win32 ? 
I already installed CYGWIN and tried to compile the whole samba 2.2.2 but 
failed horribly. 
Did I mention I am an admin not a coder ? :-) 
Any help would be nice... Even a "This does not work, because... " would 
help me... 

Sincerely / Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Ruediger Biernat
System Administrator
CSC Ploenzke AG
IT Services
Business Unit Nord, Hamburg
Harburger Schloßstr. 6-12
21079 Hamburg
Tel. +49 40 76629 - 3008
Fax. +49 40 76629 - 3033
Mobil. +49 172 6750572
rbiernat at
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