[2.2.2] ./configure --cups ??

Jim Watt wattjg at appliedbiosystems.com
Sun Oct 28 08:52:02 GMT 2001

On Sun, 28 Oct 2001, Bill Schoolcraft wrote:

} Hello Family,
} In using 2.2.2 I thought I had read that one could pass the --cups
} with the initial ./configure --cups ?
} Or is "printer = cups" sufficient ?

It looks like cups is detected automatically by configure.  If not,
the format for including or excluding features is...

    --with-utmp or --without-utmp

I don't see a "--with" or "--without" test for cups in the 2.2.2
configure, though.

After configure runs, check source/config.log and see if cups was detected.

The format in smb.conf for specifying printer subsystems is "printing = cups",
for that subsystem. (See 'man smb.conf'.)

Jim Watt                               wattjg at appliedbiosystems.com
Applied Biosystems                     Voice (desk): +1 408 577 2228
3833 North First Street                Fax:          +1 408 894 9307
San Jose CA 95134-1701                 Voice (main): +1 408 577 2200

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