Just another Winbind problem ;)

Mike Dawson mdawson at totton.ac.uk
Thu Oct 25 17:48:02 GMT 2001

I get exactly the same behaviour on two of my Samba servers using winbind from 2.2.2 on Slackware 7.1 and 8.0 in a native mode win2k domain.

The last messages I see in the winbind log after wbinfo -u are:

[2001/10/24 11:37:29, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(408)
  rpc_api_pipe: len left: 0 smbtrans read: 52
[2001/10/24 11:37:29, 6] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(446)
  rpc_api_pipe: fragment first and last both set
[2001/10/24 11:37:29, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(63)
  000018 samr_io_r_query_dispinfo 
[2001/10/24 11:37:29, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(547)
      0018 total_size  : 0001b920
[2001/10/24 11:37:29, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(547)
      001c data_size   : 00000000
[2001/10/24 11:37:29, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(518)
      0020 switch_level: 0001
[2001/10/24 11:37:29, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(547)
      0024 num_entries : 00000000
[2001/10/24 11:37:29, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(547)
      0028 ptr_entries : 0228a008
[2001/10/24 11:37:29, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(547)
      002c num_entries2: 00000000
[2001/10/24 11:37:29, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(63)
      000030 sam_io_sam_dispinfo_1 users
[2001/10/24 11:37:29, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(547)
      0030 status: 00000000
[2001/10/24 11:37:29, 5] nsswitch/winbindd.c:client_read(406)
  read failed on sock 12, pid 14812: EOF


On Mon, Oct 22, 2001 at 04:44:33PM -0400, Sean O'Grady wrote:
> Greetings,
> 	I've done a 2.2.2 install from source on a Debian Woody release and
> have hit a wall (configure --with-winbind  --with-pam). I've followed
> the Winbind setup doc and everything seems to have gone ok except I am
> not able to get Domain User or Group information from the DC.
> I did the smb.conf setup for winbindd with -- 
>         ### WINBIND STUFF
>         winbind separator = +
>         winbind uid = 1001-20000
>         winbind gid = 1001-20000
>         winbind enum users = yes
>         winbind enum groups = yes
>         template shell = /bin/tcsh
>         winbind cache time = 10
>         security = domain
>         password server = myhost
>         workgroup = MYDOMAIN
> I am able to join the computer to the domain successfully and a wbinfo
> -t reports that the secret is good. However when I do a wbinfo -u or a
> wbinfo -g I recieve "Error looking up domain users" or "Error looking up
> domain groups". 
> The pam.d files have been modified to include --
> auth            sufficient    /lib/security/pam_winbind.so
> account         required        /lib/security/pam_winbind.so
> Which I believe is all that was required to be added for PAM. I've also
> made sure that /lib/libnss_winbind.so and the symlink are there and
> modified /etc/nsswitch.conf accordingly.
> I've run winbindd in debug mode attached to the terminal to see if
> something *pops up* at me and I did notice some moody behaviour being
> reported.
> I run winbindd -d 10 -i 
> and send
> wbinfo -t
> I see this on the terminal 
> contacting controller MYSERVER to check secret --
> secret is good
> read failed on sock 10, pid 5623: EOF
> Also something similiar happens with the wbinfo -u call --
> accepted socket 10
> [ 5622]: list users
> read failed on sock 10, pid 5622: EOF
> and with the wbinfo -g call --
> accepted socket 10
> [ 5626]: list groups
> read failed on sock 10, pid 5626: EOF
> The error "read failed" appears to be telling me something, but I don't
> believe that I'm getting it ;)
> The extremely weird part of the matter is that the call wbinfo -n
> username actually returns a valid SID from the DC and sending the SID
> back returns the DOMAIN+username value for that SID, although the "read
> failed" message still appears in the debug messafes while doing this.
> Any thoughts, questions, suggestions or help offered is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Sean
> --
> Sean O'Grady
> Information Technology - SS
> Sheridan College
> 905-845-9430 x. 2166
> sean.ogrady at sheridanc.on.ca
> -- 
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