execvp error

Preston.Newton at txucom.com Preston.Newton at txucom.com
Thu Oct 25 13:02:46 GMT 2001

If I do a which smbmnt it comes back


So it does seem to be in my path
and I am running version samba-2.2.2 for everything.  It was not an
upgrade.  I have uninstalled and re-installed a couple of times and still
the same error


                    Urban Widmark                                                                                                             
                    <urban at testst        To:     <Preston.Newton at txucom.com>                                                                  
                    ation.com>           cc:     <samba at samba.org>                                                                            
                                         Subject:     Re: execvp error                                                                        
                    02:55 PM                                                                                                                  

On Thu, 25 Oct 2001 Preston.Newton at txucom.com wrote:

> I have installed samba-2.2.2 on a redhat 7.2 box and it works fine, so I
> installed it on my laptop also.  I am getting the error "execvp of smbmnt
> faild.  Error was No such file or directory.smbmnt failed: 1".  This
> version of Samba works fine on my other 7.2 box but I can't get it to
> on my laptop.  Has anyone else had this error.

You didn't do the same thing on the two installations.

For some reason smbmnt isn't in your path on the machine where it doesn't
work. Fix the path or copy/symlink smbmnt to where it will be found.

smbmount tries to run smbmnt and uses execvp to do that.


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