"Sticky" bit with samba, is it possible?

Christian Barth barth at cck.uni-kl.de
Wed Oct 24 12:54:02 GMT 2001

> I have the next share in my smb.conf:
> [Public]
> comment = Everybody can make directories and files in this directory
> path = /samba/public
> public = no
> read only = no
> browseable = yes
> force create mask = 1750
for your aim you only need the stick-bit on the directory with the 
files you want in it. On a file the sticky-bit means "leave the 
executable in memory after usage"

> force directory mask = 1770
> force group = users
> This is what I want:
> Everybody of the group "users" may create files and directories in this
> share, but an user from the group "user" is only allowed to delete his OWN
> file and directory.
> Is that possible with samba? I thought that you have to set the
> "Sticky"-bit??
> So I have the force create mask give a value that it should set the
> "Sticky"-bit.
> But it doesn't work.
You mean new directores are not created with the sticky-bit. But if 
you set it manualy, files in the directory can only be deleted by the 

> First I worked with samba version 2.0.7
> But I've downloaded and installed version 2.2.2 but it doesn't work!
> (I have installed samba on my SuSE 7.0 PC with kernel 2.4.4)
> Any ideas?
try what happens it you set "inherit permissions" in smb.conf to yes. 
The sgid-bit is only respected with this (since 2.0.7)


> (Martin Stuij)
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