can't logon to samba from w98

Aleks Totic a at
Tue Oct 23 00:38:04 GMT 2001

bdlug zaman wrote:
> Finally I manage to install samba 2.2.1a on rh.7.1. many many thanks to all
> ,specially to Joel Hammer.
> I can create user even success in canging smbpasswd, but
> >From win98 client I can't see samba server eventhough I can successfully
> ping each other. further from client logon a error showing that server is
> not available or passwd incorrect.
> whatelse I need to do or to check in the last lap.

Probably a resolution problem. Does 
nbtstat -a <samba_ip> 
give you a listing of shares?

If it does, making sure that your NetBEUI is running over TCP/IP
by removing all NetBEUI->adapter bindings in the Network Control

I had the same problem, and that was the solution.


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