Samba and NT 4.0

Christian Barth barth at
Mon Oct 22 03:44:38 GMT 2001

> Hi all,
> 	This topic has probably been done to death already, but I am new to Linux
> and Samba. I have set up a Linux PC and I am trying to get my NT workstation
> to connect to it and use a directory share. However, when I try to "map
> network drive" to the Linux box, I get the error "The account is not
> authorized to login from this station". The user account is valid, and both
> I and a colleague have connected using the same user id with smbclient.
> Smbckient will also connect happily to my NT shares, so there is no
> connectivity issue. I am at a loss as to what to try next.
> 	If anyone has any experience with this, questions, or, even better
> solutions, please let me know.

Have you looked into encrypted passwords? Patched the NT box to use 
plaintext passwords?


> Ieuan
> -- 
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