Unable to connect, access denied "Trying to print for W2K to Samba"

John J. Allen john.allen at online.ie
Sun Oct 21 09:29:04 GMT 2001

I have notied this being reported before, with nos resolution apparent.

I have the exact same problem, and cannot print from a domain
account, but have noticed that if I log into the domain as "root",
I can print fine, and the above mentioned error goes away.

Hope this helps somwhat in the resoultion pf this problem.

Other than this problem I can print from both Windows, and
Linux; and the quality is fabulous (using CUPS)


John Allen                         email: john.allen at online.ie
OpenSource Developer                    :
                                      www: http://udk.sf.net
                                    phone: intl+353-14937616
                                         : intl+353-862315986

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