rights between samba 2.2.2 and NT4

Peter Uhlig puhlig at konplan.com
Sun Oct 21 03:34:02 GMT 2001

Visitenkarte Peter Uhlig konplan gmbhhi
the configuration
Linux SUSE 7.2 Kernel 2.4.4
Samba 2.2.2
the question
is there any chance to modify the rights of the users on the NT4 workstation
from samba?
i can give any users admin rights in the domain admin entry
but can i give the users no rights for manipulation / installing of printers
display ...
the problem is so i know that not by samba because ist on NT4 (if i had
guest rights i have the rights of an user)
is there any chance to take the rights by samba?
Peter Uhlig
mechanical engineering
phone: +49 621 33808-0
fax: +49 621 33808-99
mobile: +49 160 3656413
e-mail: puhlig at konplan.com

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