How to remotly mount smbfs from a windows m/c

Sajan Sathyan ssathyan at
Wed Oct 17 12:28:14 GMT 2001


The smb.conf parameter for password authentication is

security = domain.
encrypt password = yes
I need to mount a Windows NT share on a linux m/c using smbmount.
The problem I have is to iniate this from a Windows m/c I am using rsh to do

If I run the command from linux prompt 
$ smbmount //$MCNAME/dev $HOME/dev -o username=username,rw 
it prompts for the password and it works fine if I supply the correct
Windows NT Domain password.
If I use rsh from windows it prompts for password
c:> rsh linuxmc -l username smbmount //%COMPUTERNAME%/dev   /home/user/dev
-o username=username,rw 
it prompts for the password when I enter the password it is also echoed on
the terminal which does not happen on windows. and  I also get the following

session setup failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.)

SMB connection failed

I also have a problem in linux . 
$ smbmount //$MCNAME/dev $HOME/dev -o username=username,password=password,rw
I get the same error I get with rsh.

session setup failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.)

SMB connection failed

Is there a way I can supress the password prompting in smbmount.

Thanks in advance


Sajan Sathyan
OTG Software Inc.
Andover MA 01810 
Phone  : 978.623.3300 x 3228 
E-Mail   : <mailto:ssathyan at>

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