Windows 2000 sucks !!!

Thiebaut thiebaut.adsl at
Wed Oct 17 09:38:03 GMT 2001


I've been using samba for a few days now and it is working fine... except for 
one thing : when I upload files from a win2k client, it kills my freebsd 4.4 
server right away. I have to reboot the server to get the server back alive.

Acutally I use freebsd 4.4 stable, with Xwindows installed & running and the 
latest version of samba. 

The server behaves normally when a win98 client upload or downloads files.
It behaves also normally when win2k downloads files. But as soon as I upload 
files with win2k -> the machine crashes (no ping, no connection, no nothing).

Any idea what's wrong ?


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