home files...
Wade Winright
Wwinrigh at thecreek.com
Wed Oct 17 09:10:05 GMT 2001
Hello all,
I have an odd thing happening. I recently switched a RH7.1 samba print
server with CUPS over to a Mandrake 8.1 samba print server with CUPS, both
running 2.2.1a. The way I had the Redhat system setup, it created a dir in
/home for each user that logged in to use the print server. It also started
up smbd for each user logged in. When I installed Mandrake, I copied the
smb.conf file to it, due to the hours I had in it tweaking for the network
etc. Now the print server does not do this. It does not add a user, and the
smbd that starts is owned by root, then changes to nobody. This is not
necessarily a problem, but me being the freak that I am would like to know
what caused this to happen, and how I might replicate it elsewhere.
Thanks for the time!!
;debug = 3
use client driver = Yes
wins server = XXXXXX
domain master = False
add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd %u -g smbuser
announce version = 5.0
printing = cups
dns proxy = No
encrypt passwords = Yes
max log size = 50
preferred master = False
deadtime = 10
interfaces = eth0
password server = XXXXXXX
delete user script = /usr/sbin/userdel %u
security = SERVER
server string = Samba Server
workgroup = XXX
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
netbios name = LNXPRN01
printcap = /etc/printcap
veto files = /*.eml/*.nws/riched20.dll/
oplocks = true
getwd cache = yes
;load printers = yes
local master = true
printcap name = lpstat
wide links = no
change notify timeout = 180
comment = Home Directories
read only = No
browseable = Yes
path = /tmp
printable = yes
;lpq command = lpq %p
browseable = No
guest ok = yes
writable = no
create mode = 0700
print command = lpr -P %p -o raw %s -r
lpq command = lpstat -o %p
lprm command = cancel %p-%j
comment = test
path = /tmp
guest ok = Yes
Wade Winright
"Open the pod bay doors HAL!!!"
-Arthur C. Clarke
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