
Christian Barth barth at
Tue Oct 16 10:42:10 GMT 2001

> Hallo samba-team,
> becouse this is my first mail, at first: congratulation for this great
> project!
> I think I have found a bug in your latest release 2.2.2 (my OS:
> AIX4.3.3):
> prior this version all works fine, but with latest version we have the
> described problem. Switching back to older release all works fine.
> When user login the connection to [home] section fail because the swich
> to the located username is not made. My smb.conf:
> :
> logon path              = \\%L\Profiles\%U\%a
> logon drive             = H:
> :
> :
> [homes]
>   path                  = /pc/home/%U
To my knowlage: 
You don't need a "path = " in [homes]: Thats the trick of it.

If HOME on Unix and the persannal samba folder should not be the same 
you may try an other share name.

But still: intressting that things like this change between releases.


>   comment               = Home Directories
>   writeable             = no
>   browseable            = no
>   valid users           = %S
>   write list            = %S
>   directory mask        = 0750
>   create mask           = 0750
> :
> Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Kind regards
> Walter Laub
>                                   Schwindt CAD/CAM-Technologie GmbH
>                                   Callenberger Str.8
>                                   96450 Coburg
>                                   Tel: 09561/5560-25
>                                   Fax: 09561/5560-10
> -- 
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