Christian Barth barth at cck.uni-kl.de
Sun Oct 14 23:53:17 GMT 2001

> All,
>     I need to know if samba can be a PDC across subnets (i.e. server is
> no .23 and client is on .24) 
It works!
You have to set up cross subnet browsing. Easeist way: make the pdc a 
wins server and let the pc point to it. You may also look at the 
remote announce parameter. If all fails you can still add the pdc to 
the lmhosts file on the client.


> I was told by Redhat that it could not,
> which I found hard to believe. This is mission critical because if I can
> not find a way to make it work, i get the proverbial pie in the face.
> Plus all kinds of crap about pushing for Linux and telling them (boss)
> it would work. Any help at all would be appreciated.
> Set up: Redhat 7.1 Samba 2.2.1a
> Cheers,
> Tony
> --
> -------------------------------
> Tony Ricker
> Technology Coordinator
> SLUCare - P.M.O.
> St. Louis University
> Phone:  314.977.6844
> E-mail: rickera2 at slu.edu
> -------------------------------
> "In the beginners mind, there
> are many possibilities. In the
> experts mind, there are few"
> - Shunryu Suzuki
> -------------------------------
> "Think Different"

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