Samba restart

Joel Hammer Joel at
Fri Oct 12 17:07:07 GMT 2001

Get used to the fact that RH installs smbd and all its other files in
various places, to make central administation of all daemons rational.
When you install samba from source, everything (AFAIK) goes into
So, here is all I use to start my daemons.
case "$1" in
  killall smbd
  killall nmbd
/usr/local/samba/bin/smbd -D
/usr/local/samba/bin/nmbd -D

  killall smbd
  killall nmbd
 kill -SIGHUP `cat /var/lock/samba/`
 kill -SIGHUP `cat /var/lock/samba/`
 echo Usage:
 echo start stop reload
exit 0

This seems to work for my Caldera box and may even work for your RH box.
The file in RH 7.1 to replace is:

Now, if you like adventure, you could try to edit the smb startup script to
point to your programs. The easiest way to do that would be to install
symbolic links which the RH startup script can find and point those links to
your current binaries, lock files, log files, etc. But, I wouldn't bother,
unless you like getting all those nice green OK's at startup!

On Fri, Oct 12, 2001 at 06:17:12PM -0400, Engstrom_Carl at wrote:
> hi all,
> I noticed that when I upgraded from Samba 2.0.7 (redhat 7.0) to samba 2.2.1a
> I lost this nice little script that came with redhat to start and stop the
> samba server.
> I would type in /usr/sbin/samba start and get a response like...
> /usr/sbin/smbd	start					(OK)
> /usr/sbin/nmbd   start					(OK)
> I liked that...does any one have a substitute that I could use for 2.2.1a?

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