Windows XP and Samba Domain.

Christian Barth barth at
Fri Oct 12 09:58:03 GMT 2001

> Well I really got myself into it this time...
> I'm a novice when it comes to linux, so it's not surprising that when i went
> to fix this little, annoying issue, I caused myself a huge headache...
> I'm running RedHat 7.0 with Samba 2.0.7 SSL.
> In order to fix the XP/Win2K issue I uninstalled the Samba packages (Main,
> common, client) and installed the 2.2.1a package from the samba
> site...hoping that all would be well.
> I copied the *.rpmsave files back to their old locations so that my conf.
> files would be alive and well and my passwd files would work but....then it
> all went to hell.
You have to save more than smb.conf and smbpasswd during the update. 
If 2.0.7 was allready a PDC then especially the MACHINE.SID is 
importent: The clients have to remember the PDC

> I have the samba server setup as the domain controller, but now clients
> can't log in...all clients can't log in.  Print services aren't working
> properly and I can't access shares.
Thats more than the above mentioned. Are you working with encrypted 
passwords? (I think so, you mentioned the passwd files") If not, I 
remember postings at this list about trouble with plaintext passwords 
and RH. These are only working with pam.

> The strange thing is that I can still browse the network and see the shares
> and printers, I just can't use them anymore.
Any thing in the samba logs?

> What did I do wrong.  Do i need to reinstall 2.2.1a and build my conf file
> from scratch and add users from scratch?  Am I missing something simple?
Did you do a step by step aproach:
- Save the configs, smbpasswords, ...
- stop samba
- remove the old version
- install the new version and copy the config back.
- start samba
- Test basic things: smbclient from the server to the server, conect
- Once this is working: Do the changes for the PDC, for XP, ...

May do your way through Diagnostic.txt

no realy good idea, just same thoughts.


> Thanks in advance.
> by the way.  This entire effort was just to get a new XP system to log into
> the Samba domain...
> carl
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gerald (Jerry) Carter [mailto:jerry at]
> Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 9:15 AM
> To: SPENER Christian
> Cc: Lawrence Walton; samba at
> Subject: Re: Windows XP and Samba Domain.
> On Fri, 12 Oct 2001, SPENER Christian wrote:
> > p.s.: thx eloy for his deb files and the samba team for samba.
> > would it be possible to include eloys debian directory into the samba cvs
> > so people could make their own cvs-deb files only by entering
> > dpkg-buildpackage ?
> We're working on it.  :-)  Won't happen in time for 2.2.2 though.
> Soon after I hope.
> cheers, jerry
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