win2k and lost shares [was:Re: unknown %a]

Dietrich Heise Dietrich.Heise at
Fri Oct 12 00:13:11 GMT 2001

> So to make sure I understand:
> 1.User franz logs in.
> 2.user franz verifies the shares exist (HOW?)
>  do they show up in "My Network Places", or does he do a 'net view
> \\sambaserver'
>  or what?
> 3.a couple of minutes later, user franz does step #2 (which is what,
> EXACTLY), and
>   cannot see the three shares included by smb.conf.franz.
> ^^^^^^^Is this correct?
> Question - can user franz STILL do a net use x: \\testdaten\test42  ???? and
>have it work?

YES! You understand me. I verify the shares in "My Network Places" first and all
seems to be ok.
But some minutes lates the shares are lost in "My Network Places" and I can not
connet the shares
by "net use x: \\testdaten\test42".
But if I connect the share in the first minutes I can use so long it is

Dietrich Heise

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