Samba connection on windows...

Christian Barth barth at
Wed Oct 10 07:50:15 GMT 2001

> all,
> i keep getting this error message when i try to use samba from my win98 box
> to connect to my solaris7 unix box.  i can get the smbclient to work from
> unix to unix but not windows to unix.  i always get the following message
> even though i am using my correct password:
> **********************
> C:\WINDOWS>net use s: \\stargate\sherring
> The password is invalid for \\STARGATE\SHERRING. For more information,
> contact
> your network administrator.
> Type the password for \\STARGATE\SHERRING:********
> Error 5: You do not currently have access to this file. The file may be
> marked read-only, or it may be part of a shared resource such as a folder, a
> named pipe, a queue, or a semaphore. You can use the ATTRIB command to
> change
> the read-only attribute, or try again later when the file may be available.
> Type the password for \\STARGATE\SHERRING:^C
> **************************
> for reference, here is my smb.conf file:
> *****************
> [global]
>     workgroup = edsrdaj01
>     netbios name = stargate
>     interfaces =
>     bind interfaces only = yes
>     keepalive = 60
>     local master = no
>     socket address =
>     username = sherring
>     guest account = sherring
you are not using encrypted passwords so you have to apply 
Win98_PlainPassword.reg on win 98 to enable plain text passwords.


> [homes]
>     guest ok = yes
>     #read only = no
>     #user = sherring
>     path = /export/home/sherring
>     debug level = 3
>     log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log. %m
>     writeable = true
> *************************
> what's even more frustrating is that i can see the unix share from my
> windows network neighborhood browse list but when i click on it, it prompts
> me for a password.  when i enter the password, i get a password incorrect
> message.  any help will be greatly appreciated.
> SBHerring
> Stacey B. Herring
> 141 National Business Parkway
> Suite 120
> Annapolis Junction, Maryland  20701
> * phone: 301-604-5637 
> * stacey.herring at
> -- 
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