smbclient - Unable to resolve name.

Marie-Francoise Thiry mfdevil at
Tue Oct 9 06:48:05 GMT 2001


I am trying to use smbclient to send some information in a pop-up window
on connected PCs.
We have no lmhosts file, nor we have any WINS server. The DNS on the Unix server
should be used to resolve names.

With following entries in smb.conf :
    dns proxy = no
    name resolve order = lmhosts host wins bcast

smbclient206 ( From Samba distribution 206) works perfectly:
# echo hello | smbclient206 -d3 -M cdc-pc37 -Uadmin
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
Client started (version 2.0.6).
resolve_lmhosts: Attempting lmhosts lookup for name cdc-pc37<0x20>
resolve_hosts: Attempting host lookup for name cdc-pc37<0x20>
Connecting to at port 139
Connected. Type your message, ending it with a Control-D
sent 7 bytes

smbclient (from Samba 2.0.10 ) DO NOT work: it don't even try to use DNS.
# echo hello | smbclient -d3 -M cdc-pc37 -Uadmin
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
Client started (version 2.0.10-VRTS).
resolve_lmhosts: Attempting lmhosts lookup for name cdc-pc37<0x3>
resolve_wins: Attempting wins lookup for name cdc-pc37<0x3>
resolve_wins: WINS server resolution selected and no WINS server present.
resolve_bcast: Attempting broadcast lookup for name cdc-pc37<0x3>
bind succeeded on port 0
Unable to resolve name cdc-pc37

I have tried with 'dns proxy = yes' and many other parameters with the same 

Any explanation for that behaviour? 
What has changed between 2.0.6 and 2.0.10 in that matter?

Thanks in advance.

Marie-Francoise Devillers-Thiry - System .
Brussels Free Universities Computer Center (ULB)- CP 197.
50,Av. F.D. Roosevelt, B-1050 Brussels, BELGIUM.

Email : MF.Devillers at  Tel : ++32 2 6503728 Fax : ++32 2 6503740

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