access denied but only in cetain situations

Andreas Moroder andreas.moroder at
Mon Oct 8 04:17:02 GMT 2001

 we did reinstall a server and we also reinstalled samba ( using the old smb.conf )

Now we have a strange behavior.

If i start a dos programm that resides on the samba server from the command line we get the message "access denied" ( Zugriff verweigert ).

if I start the same program form windos start/run with the entire path, then the app starts.

What is even stranger, after I stated if from start/run I can also start it one! time from the command line.

I add the smb.conf

Please help, part of our public hospital is blocked by this strange thing.

Thank you

Andreas Moroder

# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from (
# Date: 2001/03/28 08:31:48

# Global parameters
	workgroup = VERWALTUNG
	netbios name = STARGATE
	update encrypted = Yes
	smb passwd file = /etc/smbpasswd
	log file = /tmp/%I.log
	time server = Yes
	deadtime = 20
	keepalive = 0
	character set = ISO8859-1
	logon script = %U.bat
	domain logons = Yes
	lm interval = 120
	local master = No
	wins server =
	lock directory = /tmp
	admin users = sepp georg armin andreas apreti alois
	create mask = 0776
	directory mask = 0777
	path = /data01/netlogon

	comment = Home Directories
	writeable = Yes
	create mask = 0750
	browseable = No

	comment = All Printers
	path = /tmp
	create mask = 0700
	guest ok = Yes
	printable = Yes

	path = /tmp
	create mask = 0700
	guest ok = Yes
	printable = Yes

	path = /
	valid users = sepp georg armin andreas apreti
	write list = @root
	writeable = Yes
	browseable = No
	magic script = mymagic

	path = /data02/programme/personal/tfr
	writeable = Yes

	path = /data01/abteilungen
	writeable = Yes

	path = /data02/programme
	writeable = Yes
	veto oplock files = /path.dbf/ /xtreib.dbf/ /XTREIB.DBF/ /XTREIB.NTX/ /AMENU.EXE/

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