Default File Permissions

Christian Barth barth at
Sun Oct 7 23:56:02 GMT 2001

> Hi all- 
> Is there a way to set samba so that when a user creates a folder or file
> it takes the permissions of the parent directory? 
in smb.conf "inherrit permissions"


> I did set the create
> mask and directory mask but that does not allow me to adopt the
> permissions of the parent folder.  I will install an ACL package soon so
> any information required to allow parent folder permission adopting with
> ACLs is needed too.  Any help would be much appreciated.
> Cheers,
>             -BIll
> ----
> Bill Town
> Kontiki, Inc.
> Systems Architect
> Voice: 650.625.3065
> Fax: 650.623.0142

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