"Access Denied" when trying to rename a file from win2k

MCCALL,DON (HP-USA,ex1) don_mccall at hp.com
Thu Oct 4 14:45:03 GMT 2001

Hi Christopher,
I think what's happening to you is that the .mp3 type is associated with the
mp3 player, and when you try to 
rename it, it is already 'open' to the mp3 player, so (because of dos share
modes) it is not allowing you to 
rename it...  I'm doing this from memory, so I'm most probably forgetting
something; on samba 2.0.x you could
set "share modes=no" on the share where your mp3 files were kept to take
care of this.  On 2.2.x, the share modes=
parameter has been depreciated, so I don't have a solution there...
Hope this helps,

-----Original Message-----
From: christopher j bottaro [mailto:cjb at cs.utexas.edu]
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 7:28 PM
To: samba at lists.samba.org
Subject: "Access Denied" when trying to rename a file from win2k

i'm new to samba, don't really know much besides getting the samba server up
and running.  i have redhat-7.1 running samba on one machine and i access my
home from my win2k machine.  i can listen to my mp3's, etc from win2k, but
when i try to rename from win2k, i get the access denied message.  also, in
my mp3s dir, i can create a new file, edit/rename it, delete it, etc, but
files that already exist, i can't rename for some reason.  the permissions
on the linux side are set for read/write/execute for the user.  what is
wrong?  can anyone answer this problem or defer me to some reading or
documentation about this?
thank you,

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