"Access Denied" when trying to rename a file from win2k

christopher j bottaro cjb at cs.utexas.edu
Thu Oct 4 14:28:02 GMT 2001

i'm new to samba, don't really know much besides getting the samba server up and running.  i have redhat-7.1 running samba on one machine and i access my home from my win2k machine.  i can listen to my mp3's, etc from win2k, but when i try to rename from win2k, i get the access denied message.  also, in my mp3s dir, i can create a new file, edit/rename it, delete it, etc, but files that already exist, i can't rename for some reason.  the permissions on the linux side are set for read/write/execute for the user.  what is wrong?  can anyone answer this problem or defer me to some reading or documentation about this?

thank you,
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