Could not connect to a Win3.1 share

Joel Hammer Joel at
Wed Oct 3 15:12:02 GMT 2001

On Wed, Oct 03, 2001 at 10:59:13PM +0200, Indrek Zolk wrote:
> Thank you, but did not work. I tried to share an empty directory and a
> directory with 3 files (no accented characters or other tricks in
> filenames), in either cases I got this For_next blabla.
Have you tried to ls PartOfFileName* 
or have you just tried
ls * 
Can you ls TheEntireFileName

> By the way, get source dest works!, but then I sould know what files I
> have to get. And Amanda (backup software), to my mind, needs to get the
> listing, otherwise backup fails.
> More fname also works. Win3.1 machine has a full access share, under
> password. By the way, password had to be entered into smbclient in capital
> letters, not depending in what case the password actually was.

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