problem in print

CUENCA DARWIN, ING. dcuenca at
Wed Oct 3 08:10:03 GMT 2001


Please help me

I have installed samba version 2.0.7 in an equipment IBM R/S6000 with
operative system AIX version 4.3.3.
The objetive of work with SAMBA is for can print to printers attachment to
PC with shared resource through the command smbclient. We thinks have 300
printers for work with this system of printing.  

The PC with shared resource has windows 98 with a shared printer EPSON_PC

When I  send file for print by firt time this file print without problem
like show the following command:

f1n3:/usr/local/bin>./smbclient //operadorcomp/EPSON_PC -P -c "put

added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
putting file /tmp/test as \/tmp/test (129.87 kb/s) (average 129.883 kb/s)

but when I send the same file for second time or other file for print I get
the following error:

f1n3:/usr/local/bin>./smbclient //operadorcomp/EPSON_PC -P -c "put
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.) opening remote file \/tmp/test

Thanks in advanced

Darwin Cuenca

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