Win 2K Compatibility

Herbert Lewis herb at
Tue Oct 2 08:12:05 GMT 2001

Jim Harber wrote:
> Dear Sir or Madam
> We are currently using Samba 2.0.5a on an IRIX 6.5 Unix server to allow NT 4
> clients to map to the server.  Will this version of Samba support a Windows
> 2000 professional client on:
> a.      A Windows NT 4.0 domain.
> b.      A Windows 2000 domain.
> Can you recommend the version of Samba required, if the above is not
> supported.

I would suggest upgrading your samba version. Version 2.2.1a will
support W2K clients but version 2.2.2 is due to release soon (this

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