strange problems

Jeremy Allison jra at
Mon Nov 26 10:04:04 GMT 2001

On Mon, Nov 26, 2001 at 06:49:21PM +0100, Alexander Seitz wrote:
> I  have tried oplocks = false but had the same problems.
> maybe it is a problem with kernel oplocks, I have set this parameter to no
> and I will see in the next days if it helps.
> But if this helps, I would be interested why.
> I never had any problem with samba before I switched to 2.2.2. (I also
> switched kernel from 2.2.19 to 2.4.4 maybe that's the problem but I don't
> see why,

Well the 2.4 kernel is the first to support kernel oplocks on Linux,
so if there is a problem with the oplocks in the kernel you wouldn't
see it until you moved to a 2.4 kernel (which has the kernel support)
and Samba 2.2.x (which has the user-level support to use them).


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