Samba and ACLs
SAMBA Mailing List
smb at
Mon Nov 26 07:44:10 GMT 2001
fist of all I'd like to thank all samba team for the great job it is doing:
thanks very much to samba team!
We are running a very large file server (nearly 300 users) based on
Linux-XFS filesystem and SAMBA 2.2.1a.
We are controlling XFS ACLs through WinNT/2K tool (right click, properties,
security, permissions).
We are not using winbind. We are using SECURITY=DOMAIN. The netbios name is
We have the following problem: when I do "right click, properties,
security, permissions"
and then "Add" (to choose a new group or user) and then I choose DLITLX03
from "List Names From"
I see only a part of all the groups that I have defined on the linux box
and I do not see any users.
Can somebody give me some suggestion?
Thank you in advance,
Lorenzo Corradini.
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