Patch for events like "On Create", "On Modify"...
Ariel Mella
ariel at
Mon Nov 12 08:53:04 GMT 2001
do you try with the samba-vscan provided from
i just trying with it....
any succes will be great!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel William Schultz" <danws at>
To: <bbstone at>
Cc: <samba at>; <samba-ntdom at>
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2001 2:21 PM
Subject: Patch for events like "On Create", "On Modify"...
> Hi all :)
> I have spent my night thinking about one problem that my company asked me
to solve, and I come to the conclusion that is a little
> bit easy to do ( I guess... ).
> The problem with the Recycle bin was solved with the patches that Brandon
made ( )...the recycle bin
is working fine :)
> Lets see: The files go to the bin on a kind of "On delete" event ?
> Why don't create one patch for "On Create/Modify" event ? We could use it
for checking viruses "on the fly", dont you think ?
> I was looking in the subdirs of the samba source, and I found one audit.c
, on examples/ looks like a kind of
> logging on create/modify/delete/chmod files and create/delete/rename
> Looking by this side, we could change the audit.c, and instead of logging
this actions, it could exec one command like:
> "/usr/local/av/uvscan --parameters... %var"
> I really don't know how to do this ( In fact I'm trying to find some docs
about C to see if I find the parameter needed to change the audit.c to
execute other command ), and I will try to learn a bit of C to change, but I
don't know if I will make it...
> So, the idea is boss is asking every day for this, and I
don't know another way to make things easier to work
> with one antivirus :/
> Thanks to Brandon for the Recycle Bin patches, thank you all for the
> Daniel William Schultz.
> --
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