Write security over Samba share?

Urban Widmark urban at teststation.com
Mon Nov 12 01:26:02 GMT 2001

On Sun, 11 Nov 2001, Brad wrote:

> mount -t smbfs //office/Shared /mnt/shared -o username=xxxx,password=xxxx
> Access is fine, but I am unable to write to the share. I have
> Chmod-ed, Chown-ed and Chgrp-ed the share so that it is completely
> available with no limitations at all, but I still can't write to it.
> When I su - to root , I can write to it OK.

And if you look at the owner and permissions on the client side do they
change when you chmod?

No they don't, because smbfs does what any dos<->unix translating fs does,
it "invents" permissions and owners. If you want different ownership and
permissions from the default you must say so at mount time.

You want the uid/gid options and perhaps the fmask/dmask options.

Or you may want to look at using NFS instead (at least between 2 unix


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