Easy to reproduce Win2K bug

Paul C. Bryan pbryan at creatia.com
Tue Nov 6 15:20:08 GMT 2001

Try this with Samba 2.2.x with a Win2K box ...

net use x: \\sambaserver\sharepoint
mkdir test
cd test
mkdir test

The second "mkdir test" will fail with the following error ...

"A subdirectory or file test already exists."

Any attempt to make the directory, even with an explicit path, as in ...

mkdir test\test
mkdir x:\test\test

... results in the same error.

It appears that Samba will not allow you to create a directory anywhere 
that has the same name as a file or directory in the root of the share 

Can anyone else verify this behavior? I've seen people allude to this 
problem in previous messages.

Potential workarounds:

- Create a directory in the root of the share point that will not be 
reproduced in subdirectories. Store all files and directories there.

- Drop to a lower revision of the LANMAN protocol. LANMAN1 seems to 
mitigate the problem.

Paul C. Bryan
pbryan at creatia.com

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