Please help - win98 ask for password
man_deb at
Sun May 6 20:38:53 GMT 2001
u have said that u cant browse linux directories in windows95/98.
1. u have to modified smb.conf in etc/samba :
security = share ------> that u have to modified (if dont give access to everybody then type "user" this case u have logon in win sys to linux "user with password") which u have add user in linux)
2. then in #============share definition=================
[virtual name of directory] -- it is custom example : [mydirecotry] or [linux] or [home]
comment = Linux directory
path=/home/user -------in which u have to given the path that u want to give access to (winclient)
guest ok =yes
writable = yes ---depend upon u given right to write in u'r linux diectory.
then u have save this file......
in shell# type - samba restart (press enter)
then u will see in windows network neibourhood.......u'r defined name
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