--with-quotas vs Quota support(in the kernel 2.x)?
Christian Barth
barth at cck.uni-kl.de
Fri May 4 11:27:40 GMT 2001
To my best knowladge:
If you want to use quota, you have to compaile them into the kernel
and set them up on the Unix box. As samba allways respects the rights
of the unix user it is serving files as, the quota is respected when
a user copies files to the server. If --with-quota or not.
If you compile --with-quota and the PC user wants to know the free
diskspace on the share, the user quota and its usage is reported.
Other wiese the "real" free space on the disk is reported.
> can anyone tell me the difference of --with-quota and enabling (KERNEL)Quota Support to yes in the kernel.
> 1. Are they related or they individually refer to different configuration?
> 2. if --with-quotas is set while Quota support in kernel isn't ~and vice-versa~ will it still
> be possible to set quotas for users or group?
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