NT4 inconsistency
David Yan
david.yan at ardentia.co.uk
Tue May 1 11:08:33 GMT 2001
Not sure if this has been reported or fixed or a real bug:
Have Samba 2.0.7 set up on a SuSE 7.0 Linux fax server so that Windows
users can access received faxes as raw tiff files. The share was set up
as "received_faxes" and is the only share available. All other shares
are not available and not browseable. Only one user set up: "admin" and
all users are forced to be user "admin".
Windows 2000 users have no problems accessing the share but NT4 users
get error message:
System error 67 has occurred.
The network name cannot be found.
Looking on Microsoft's KB site, there is this:
In Windows NT, if you attempt to connect to a shared printer attached to
a print
server with a Computer Name of 13 characters or more using the following
NET USE <devicename> <\\computername\sharename>
where <devicename> is the port to be redirected and
<\\computername\sharename> is
the network name for the printing device, the following error message
will appear:
System error 67 has occurred.
The network name cannot be found.
To connect to the share, you must use the Windows NT Print Manager or
change the
Computer Name of the print server to be less than or equal to 12
Tried this in desperation and renamed the share to "recvdfaxes" and it
worked. But the Samba server is not a print server!
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