Proposed patch for Samba-2.0.7 to allow Solaris open more than 1014 (or rlim_fd_max) files

David Collier-Brown David.Collier-Brown at
Wed Jan 24 20:10:29 GMT 2001

Eric Boehm wrote:
> I would like to submit the following patch to source/lib/util.c to allow
> Samba under Solaris to open more than 1014 files -- or whatever the kernel
> variable rlim_fd_max is set to.

> The reason for this is that smbd uses fopen to open the machine account (mac)
> file. fopen without sfio or in a 32-bit compilation environment is limited to
> 256 file descriptors. 

	Fopen is used numerous times, via sys_fopen,
	or I'd suggest we just not use fopen at all...

David Collier-Brown,           | Always do right. This will gratify 
Performance & Engineering Team | some people and astonish the rest.
Americas Customer Engineering  |                      -- Mark Twain
(905) 415-2849                 | davecb at

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