Errors while coping files

Acheson, Douglas Douglas.Acheson at
Wed Jan 24 16:08:45 GMT 2001


  I have used samba for the last little while and really like it :-)  I have
come across an unsettling problem, I do not know how to find the root cause
of the problem.  When I have large amounts of data to transfer between an NT
box and a Linux box I end up with about 2% of the files corrupted.  Here is
the scenario:

Need to transfer about 450 files between Linux and NT (about 2.0 GB in
Once the copy process has completed I issue a diff (using -r to recurse the
directory structure) to ensure the files have not changed.  I end up with a
number of files that are different.  If I were to re-copy the files that are
different everything seems to be okay (diff does not complain).  I do not
understand why this is happening.  I have the following setup:

Linux (running RH 7.0)
  - 512MB memory
  - 40.0GB of HD space
  - using kernel that came with system (2.2.x)
  - dual processor (Intel 450 MHz)
  - using default samaba binaries that come with RH 7.0

NT 4.0 (sp5) 
  - 512MB memory
  - 40.0GB of HD space
  - using kernel that came with system (2.2.x)
  - dual processor (Intel 450 MHz)

Both systems are connected using 3com 905 nic cards (10/100) and the hub is
also a 3com (10/100 hub).

Any help in tracking down this error would be very helpful.  Thanks ...

Douglas WF Acheson

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