let me say it really loud!!RE: can't login in mornings

Medi Montaseri medi at CyberShell.com
Tue Jan 23 23:30:20 GMT 2001

You can either via GUI front end or autoexec.bat map a drive permanantly.
I leave teh task of which button to click to you, however from a script
on your Windows client, you can use 'net use ....' to map a drive
at boot up.

Medi Montaseri                               medi at CyberShell.com
Unix Distributed Systems Engineer            HTTP://www.CyberShell.com
CyberShell Engineering

On Tue, 23 Jan 2001, Larry Clark wrote:

> What is the use of having samba as a server if every morning I have to
> go around to everyones computer and re map the dirves they need? not
> much good in a production setting is it? well I have sent this letter to
> the whole samba team, maybe they will get a clue and work on
> it......hummmmm????
> Larry Clark wrote:
> > 
> > I am trying this one again, I have a 10/100 mg switched network, NT and
> > novell also run on it. I have two(2) samba servers on the network. in
> > the mornings, when people come in and try to logon, they can logon to
> > the NT and novell servers, yet the logon to the samba servers are slow,
> > and most of the time they cannot connect and ask if next time they want
> > to try to connect, obviuosly they say yes, but this time after the whole
> > weekend, they all came in and cannot lo in. even if I go into the
> > windows explorer and click on the red x'ed out share, they sometimes
> > still don't connect. we have a WINS server on the wire for name
> > resolution, and there is a PDC which the samba server has an account.
> > for the life of me, I can't map a drive and consistently have it connect
> > after the night. mornings are a night mare and noone can connect, any
> > one else have this problem? thanks....

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