can't login in the mornings...

Michael H. Warfield mhw at
Tue Jan 23 23:07:03 GMT 2001


On Tue, Jan 23, 2001 at 03:13:18PM -0800, Larry Clark wrote:
> I am trying this one again, I have a 10/100 mg switched network, NT and
> novell also run on it. I have two(2) samba servers on the network. in
> the mornings, when people come in and try to logon, they can logon to
> the NT and novell servers, yet the logon to the samba servers are slow,
> and most of the time they cannot connect and ask if next time they want
> to try to connect, obviuosly they say yes, but this time after the whole
> weekend, they all came in and cannot lo in. even if I go into the
> windows explorer and click on the red x'ed out share, they sometimes
> still don't connect. we have a WINS server on the wire for name
> resolution, and there is a PDC which the samba server has an account.
> for the life of me, I can't map a drive and consistently have it connect
> after the night. mornings are a night mare and noone can connect, any
> one else have this problem? thanks....

	I can understand your frustration but I'm afraid you really
haven't given us much to go on.  There would be no time dependencies
in any of this which would account for the symptoms you are describing.
Are you trying to tell us that it works better later on in the afternoon?
Or are you telling us that you only try in the morning and if it connects
then things are fine the rest of the day.  Are your users logging out
and shuting down in the evening or just loging out or are they having
to reconnect in the mornings?

	You say you have a WINS server.  Is the samba servers configured
to use it?  Are they configured to dominate browser elections?  You've
got a PDC.  Are the Samba servers authenticating against it ins server
mode?  Are you using encrypted passwords?  What are the clients running?
Windows 95?  Windows 98?  Windows NT?  Windows 2000?  What about that
PDC?  Windows NT?  What service pack?  Windows 2000?

	Since you have both Novell and Windows servers, how is your
network on the Windows servers configured?  Just TCP/IP?  TCP/IP + SPX/IPX?
TCP/IP + SPX/IPX + Netbui?

	Can you post your samba server configuration?

	Have you looked on your server interfaces to determine if you
are seeing excessive Rx/Tx errors?

 Michael H. Warfield    |  (770) 985-6132   |  mhw at
  (The Mad Wizard)      |  (678) 463-0932   |
  NIC whois:  MHW9      |  An optimist believes we live in the best of all
 PGP Key: 0xDF1DD471    |  possible worlds.  A pessimist is sure of it!

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