Tar from Linux box to a Sunbox

Kuno Öhrman kuno.ohrman at shh.fi
Sat Jan 20 18:00:56 GMT 2001

Hi, something like:

"tar --create --file sunbox:/dev/rmt/0n filename"

should do it, with appropriate entry in ".rhosts" on sunbox and other local
differences ("/dev....?")

Kuno Öhrman

Tim Lazaro wrote:

> Has anyone tried to backup (Tar) a file from a Linux box to a Sunbox
> with a tape drive connected to it? Both units are on the same network
> and see eachother. The username is duplicated on both units - I can
> telnet and ftp from each one. Thinking from a Unix perspective - ufsdump
> would probably work if Linux recognized it? Is there another command
> that could be used? I have Solaris 2.7 and Linux 2.2.5-15 (Redhat).
> Samba is on both boxes and working fine. Any ideas?
> Thanks   ....    Tim Lazaro

! Kuno Öhrman       E-mail: kuno.ohrman at shh.fi
! Director of Computer Centre
! Swedish School of Economics and Business Admin.
! Phone:+358 9 43133329
! Fax:  +358 9 43133333

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