question on file size limits

John Horn jhorn1 at
Tue Jan 16 21:14:50 GMT 2001

Samba, is of course, subject to the file size limitations of the OS
under which it runs. If you need larger than 2GB file sized on, say, a
Linux box, just install support for the Reiser file system (may
require a kernel upgrade). Reiser supports files much larger than 2GB.

On Tue, 16 Jan 2001, Munsterman, Kevin wrote:

> does samba have file size limitations as i'm having problems dealing with
> files larger than 2gb bis there a place to configure this.

John Horn                       |"Those who do not understand Unix
City of Tucson, IT Dept.        |are condemned to reinvent it, poorly."
jhorn1 at|                         Henry Spencer

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